Friendly Visitor Network

Do you need a friendly visitor?

JFAR’s Friendly Visitor Network provides volunteer visits to older adults and others in the community who are suffering from social isolation or would simply like more human contact. If you know someone in the community who could use a visit, please email

Do you want to volunteer to be a friendly visitor?

As a Friendly Visitor you will make a difference in someone’s life even if it is occasionally, one time or for special occasions. More and more older adults want to stay in their current homes and remain independent for as long as possible. Sometimes this can lead to isolation if their changing health issues prevents them from getting out and about to socialize and/or attend events and programs like in the past.

A visit, phone call or written note can bring hope to someone in need.  Visits and calls may involve casual conversations, news from the community, interesting stories, or finding out the latest updates of grandchildren. While the purpose of the visit is to provide comfort and companionship for the recipient, the volunteer often benefits by performing a valuable mitzvah and often gains a sense of satisfaction and self-worth. Volunteer by emailing: